Wednesday, June 2, 2010

And Another Thing

This has been long overdue. I'm going to get a LOAD off of my mind and chest by writing this. Just so that I can remain sane during my vacations, at least. Yes, as you may have all guessed by now, the vacations are here at last. Whoopee !! Right ? WRONG. Who would have EVER thought things would be so boring ?! O_O

I'm literally bored out of my mind, and the prospect of surviving another 2 months of the bland torture gives me nightmares.

Anyways, all stories have to have a proper beginning, so here's mine. Hello everyone, I'm 19 years old, going on twenty. That should speak loads to people who've already been here. To those who are too young to know or too old to remember (lucky you), this is probably the MOST over-rated time of your lives. I remember, as I kid, wishing I could grow up already, and stop being told what to do. Finally get to drive a car. Finally get to go to a bar. Finally get kissed by a girl and then some more. If only I had known me then :P

I've been living at this age for almost a year now (well, like D-uh) and I've got to say, it isn't all that its cracked up to be. True, you get to drive your very own car, and true, you get to make all the big decisions, but as we should have realized, just like with anything else in life, this too is a "grass greener on the other-side" kind of thing. Since we're on the topic of Grass, let me take time of to state for the record, to all of you out there, who do weed and pot and what and what-not: YOU DISGUST ME. Its true, you above serial killers and drunk drivers disgust me the most. I don't know why. You just do. Moving on, as I was saying, its not all that its cracked up to be mate.The "Glitz and Glamor" ? Puh-Leaze... Like you didn't already know. It SUCKS.

Everything is so superficial and pretentious. No one really cares and sadly enough, neither do I. Its all just so unreal. The things you see and hear and the things you turn a blind eye to and ignore. Your best friend could be snorting up some crap or the other or being felt up by some sleazy douche-bag and you just turn around and walk away. Cause if you don't you just end up being stared at or ignored. Or even worse, they'll act as if they give a damn and just get right back to it the moment you turn away. I don't have much else to add about this.

Now, the "Girlfriend/Boyfriend Experience". Boy ! This is a delicate dozy. You see, I know what its like suddenly thinking, "Man ! What the FUCK am I doing with him/her ?" How can this be right for me ? Is this what I really want ? Well, best of luck with that. 400 thousand YEARS, and I'm still pretty sure all of HUMANITY has NO IDEA what it really wants. So, its not like a couple of you are going to suddenly sit down one day and say, now look here, THIS is what I want. Cause, face it, what YOU want keeps changing. You can act or think or even assume otherwise, but we all know its true. In some cases, more evidently than others. We all want what we want, and most often thats what we can't have. The ONE thing you can't have is ALWAYS the one thing you've always wanted. Enough said.

Whew, all this negativity getting you down ? Well, I feel ya. So, for a change, lets talk about hopes and dreams and stuff thats still worth living for.

Now, all of you know that we'd be lucky to live for a full hundred years. Heck, if you're a grassy, you should be content with just 60. I on the other hand have it all figured out. If theres one thing that you can do to extend your measly life (Hundred years may seem long now but subtract that from your age, and then think about how old the universe is - for those of you who don't know, its over 14 billion years old and YEAH, I wiki-ed that... so ? :P That's 14,000,000,000 years.) Now compare that with yours. Your ENTIRE life is like a Milli-breath. ALL your memories, experiences, happiness, sorrow, friends, family, EVERYTHING. Just an instant. And yet, it is everything to you at the same time. Everything and yet nothing. Now tell me, during this one life that you have in your hands, how would you like to spend it ? Would you like to sit and worry about the past, dwelling on what has already been and gone, or better yet, freak out about the future, trying to figure out what will be and stuff like that ? OR would you rather live for the moment, relishing every second. Doing new things every day. Seeing all there is to see, living the life YOU have always wanted to live ?

The choice is your's and your's alone, as is your life. You have only one. Don't spend all your time regretting past actions and missed opportunities, least you miss some more that were right in front of you and then you regret some more. Life's too short for you to be worried about it. In fact, you just about have enough time to actually go about living it.

This my not really make much sense, but believe me when I say, Live as if you were never going to live again, cause you never know. It just may be true.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Early Mornings ? I HATE Early Mornings. More than Colds and Exams at the same time even.

Well, the picture up here pretty much tells you what I've been up to today. I was trying (and failed miserably) to change my blog skin. Of course I love the good ol' classic black but I kinda wanted to try out something new for myself. But as sad as it may be, it wasn't possible. I'll have to get back to that sometime. As I mentioned in the earlier post, the interest in a blogger depends on what you read in his or her blog and not who the person is or where he or she is from. True, these factors do play a role but in today's world of Global Citizens, it isn't considered all that important anymore. Anyway, chucking all that for now, let me tell you about today. I got up early. Not my fault. My dad woke me. He seems to believe that keeping his times will improve my so called character. It's been like this ever since I came home from college actually. The entire "Character Building", Good Habit Inducing Charade is driving me insane. A l'il background info: My Dad, the Idealist, is trying to wake me at 6:00 in the morning... ME !! Me who considers the crack of dawn to be the early hours of round about 9:oo am. Sigh... Go figure... So what was I doing 3 hours before I was due to join the living woken ? Why, acting grumpy of course. I can do this really well. I have loads of practice and I'm getting to be a real pro now.

Of course, they won't let me stay grumpy forever. Just about long enough to shove a a cup of tea under my nose and shove me out of the door. And so, there I find my self, on the other side of the hastily slammed door, with a ridiculous looking cup of tea in my hand and a bleary-eyed expression pasted on my face, wondering what in gods name I'm doing out here in the insane hours of the morning which are far better spent curled up in bed, deep in dreamland. Then, as if sensing my indecisioned disposition, a firm but guiding hand reaches out from the now open door and directs me too the lift. Its here that I slowly start to realize my surroundings. "Ah", I think, "Cup of Tea !". So I'm not exactly a morning person. The lift dutifully makes its way to the *urgh* much dreaded gym as if conspiring with my parents to make my life living hell and making me thoroughly regret coming home for the vacations. The Gym ! A storehouse of torture equipment in the guise of "Exercise" machines. I undergo the brutality of a 45 min work out and just as I'm about to collapse from lack of feeling in my muscles, a gentle breeze wafts in through the open window (lately, fellow gym people feel the A/C is better left off so as to enjoy the 'natural' breeze... sigh... They've probably succumbed to their father's attempts at "Character Building"). This sort of catches me as I'm about to fall and draws me to the window. I look down and see a few people walking in the complex (I live in a gated community. It's pretty cool really =D). I start to jump and am off the ledge when I realize "Oh oh, this is the first floor !". Sigh... I hate mornings. After a not-so-graceful landing on the cold, hard, unforgiving floor (did I mention I hate mornings ?), I limp to the nearest lawns. There, a few rocks (boulders really. But it would look like rocks to Godzilla or maybe Gulliver) lay scattered. You'd think that the fall would grant me some insight into how the rest of the day is going but No... I have to try to climb the damned things (see my profile). And so, I find myself, clinging onto dear life (or rather dear rock face), feverishly praying that I don't fall and trying hard not to look down. I don't manage. I look. Its a 25 feet fall from here. I really, really hate mornings. I wait for some inspiration, wondering how long it would take a fire truck to come save me before my hands gave way. Too long I decide. Gritting my teeth (with the 'I Believe I can Fly' song playing over and over in my head), I inch forward, crawling along like some lizard (the real ones were laughing at me from the top, I swear) until at long last and not a moment sooner, I reach the top. Its a good thing I didn't give up. The view was worth it !

That, my friends, is sunrise from the top most rock in the Complex ! I lay around for a bit longer and bask in the sunrise, enjoying the wind. I guess waking up early isn't so bad after all. WOAH !!! Did I just say that ? Sorry, I must still be asleep (Must.not.get.Characterized).

Anyway, the adventure continues. I, as a person, don't believe in being content with what I have. And so, I find myself, after the mountain climbing incident, perched on the compound wall, balancing between a sheer 30 foot fall and a painful, barbed fence wire experience, wondering what the heck I'm doing there (Yes, I'm really 18. What ever happened to living a second childhood ? Don't listen to the others. They like to claim I haven't got through my first yet but we all know from the obvious maturity of my action(s): Drinking tea instead of milk, that I'm well past my first childhood). SO yeah, like I was saying, I'm walking on the wall, holding the *ouch* pointy fence as I go along. These Are easier shown than described so I'll let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy the various views and mind not the jerks and blurs, that's just me trying not to plummet to my untimely death as I get over enthusiastic with the camera (My Precious phone, BTW).

This isn't from the wall, this is from the balcony. You can see a few of the smaller rocks out here, if you look carefully. You can also see the compound wall, that runs along the entire complex.

Yet another photo showing the park !! And you can see the highway. I jumped the wall and walked along the highway, after which I made my way down along the rocks that's behind the blue stuff (some kind of plastic covering to cover the blasting region from the road - Yes, the use REAL dynamite =P).

Anyway, it was fun but you should remember that this doesn't make me hate mornings any lesser. And tomorrow (or rather today, its already well past mid-night !!), promises to be much worse, considering I have to pick my l'il brother up from the station at bleedin' 8:oo in the morning ! Oh the agony. That said, I better hit the sack soon. Gotta attempt putting a cheerful facade for him. We wouldn't want to get my overwhelming thoughts of strangling him till he turns blue for making me have to get up so early get the better of me now, would we ?

Until next time, Aloha.

A Start among Other Things

Hello. Welcome to Llith. Before I go onto to introducing myself, I've always wondered why someone would bother with the usual "Hi, I'm 20, and love writing.. yada yada blah blah blah.." I mean, come on... its not like its going to interest anyone yet. Not before they've seen your work at any rate. And since this takes a few posts to ascertain, why bother introducing yourself right at the very beginning ?! This probably has something to do social etiquette. When you meet a new person, what's the first thing you say to him or her ? "I'm so-and-so from so-and-so. Nice to meet you, Mr.S0-and-so." This seems a bit so-so (No pun intended) don't you think ? Well, blogging is all about transcending social limitations and so (My god ! If I have to say "So" on more time I'm sooo going to kill myself), after much serious contemplation (What ?! I was sleepy >.<"), I'm going to say this about myself. I am J, for all practical purposes. I'm a tad bit of a cynic and my humour may fail to tickle the funny bone of one and all, but I assure you, if you're a little liberal, and not to mention, have a streak of insanity (Yes, it helps if others call you this all the time), then you've come to the right place. Here, you will find yourself saying "Hey ! I thought of that !" or "That's exactly what I was saying to her the other day.", or more realistically, "What a load of crap !" =P Well, there's crap and more, right here at Llith. And oh yeah, before I forget to mention, the name Llith has nothing to do with whatever you think it has something to do with. It's kinda like Jughead's secret 'S' shirt (Archie fans anyone ?) and as much as I trust you all to keep a Secret, I couldn't, in any good conscience trust myself to keep it, unless I kept it for real and don't go babbling it around the first chance I get, and not to mention on a site as popular as Blogger, not that I think anyone is going to read this. Anyway, I can hardly let this post be anything more than an introductory post. I assure you that subsequent posts will be more to your tastes and I'll strive to answer all the (so far none existing) comments that you may (just might, in a bout of insanity, maybe) leave me. Until then, Take care.

P.S. The purpose of this entire post is spoiled cause what I didn't notice was that my entire profile information appears right next to this entry. So, so much for "I'm so-and-so.." (Excuse me a moment, while I strangle myself... Damn "so").